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Tuesday 9 June 2015

Character Profile

Getting Cosy!

Its Dark, hot and humid. I'm running, wounded and poisoned. my legs are tired and hanging for a break. I start to feel as lazy as a panda munching on a ripe bamboo branch. I need a rest. I cannot go on. I stop and think of were to go, I’m thinking back to my training, trying to remember any techniques that could be used in this situation. At that very moment the solution appeared out of thin air I remembered the camouflage technique and started to paint my face with mud and buried my body under it. Hours have gone, and I lay here in the hope that everyone would just kill each other so I would win and go back to my family back in district 12. The games has made me appreciate what I have, my mum and my farm (especially my pigs), instead of wanting and taking more. As the day goes on the temperature starts to get warmer, and the cool, moist mud that is covering my hot sweaty body relieves the pain associated with the heat. I’m beginning to get worried, I cant stay here forever, at some point I have to get up and continue, otherwise I’m going to starve. At that very same moment I hear an unusual sound just a couple of km away. I pause, and lay as still as water in a pond, Not moving a single muscle hoping whatever it is would walk right passed, oblivious to me. My heart was a was a jackhammer that seemed to rattle within my ribcage. I open my eye to see what is going on but quickly hear another sound and shut my eye, I hear footsteps, fast steps one after the other. I'm frightened, afraid, I try to keep as still as possible. The steps get louder and faster when all of a sudden a voice whispers, ‘‘peeta’’. I pause for the second time and opened my eyes. To my pleasant surprise it was katniss. she couldn't see me. "You here to finish me off, sweetheart?'' I say sarcastically and I gesture to her to let her know where I am. ''That was a close one'' I quietly say to myself.Image result for peeta mellark camouflage

Lets Talk Strategy!

As I am on the train I’m starting to learn a lot about this crazy girl that volunteered for the games.  She is this beautiful young woman that seems modest but incredibly stuck up, she seems unusual yet normal, I can tell she has many emotions and thoughts but masks it greatly. she's not talking much but I try to make conversation but she answers me abruptly ending the conversation. All of a sudden a man, with long blonde hair as rough as a homeless persons, untidy beard, untucked shirt and a glass of whiskey in his hand, walking towards me and katniss. He sits down in front of us and starts eating, not saying a word, i look at katniss and she looks at me. Effie says ‘‘his name is Haymitch and he will be your mentor, he is the difference between life and death for you two, he has won the games after all’’. I look at katniss and her face lights with up eagerness, she begins to become more confident talking knowing that it could save her life. I can see that Haymitch is getting annoyed, his fists whitening and blood boiling I try to stay on his good side and stay quiet, but Katniss isn't seeing this she is continuing to ask questions. He lets off a big scream silencing the room. A couple of hours pass and we arrive at the capital, I get up out of my luxurious chair and rush over to the window at the speed of light Katniss is slowly approaching the window and sees that everybody is cheering and waving at us I like we are the royals feel scared but hide it and wave, smile and look interested, my strategy is to gain fans in the capital and potentially get sponsors. Katniss on the other hand is not, she turns around in discuss and walks back to her seat. Its like she has already accepted her death. I try to sound disinterested too and say ''Who knows one of them may be rich''.

The Reaping

As I feel the morning sun shine beam down on my face and the aching muscles feeling  more and more sore with every step I take, I come to terms with the sad truth that today might be the beginning of the end for me and one other unlucky soul. I continue with the same routine just like any other day but something is different, not only with me but there seems to be a large tension between the district. I can't concentrate on the day, I keep drifting off thinking about all the possible outcomes that is going to happen later today at the reaping, what if I'm chosen? What if a child is chosen? they will have no chance! Wont they? All of a sudden a siren as loud as a thunderstorm striking the earth goes off for the last time before the reaping, and everyone assembles. I take one last breath before lining up. I look at the person standing next to me and see the frightened man that is holding his tears in, he tightly holds his sons hand and looks over at his wife and daughter in distress. This man, sweaty palms, wobbly legs, heavy breathing, all symptoms of a man with a fear that is overwhelming his reality. As I see the district 12 escort Effie Trinket I suddenly feel sweat start to slowly descent down along my spine, stopping, then falling again. she says her speech, and when she finishes there is no applaud but only the sound of the fast moving wind whooshing past my ears. ‘‘Ladies first’’. she walks over to the womans raffle, places her hand in the box, then out quickly. ‘‘Primrose Everdeen’’. While the women let a sigh of relief out there is one family that lets out a cry, a cry for their daughter and sister. it looks to be the sister of primrose that is out of control. She brakes through the crowd and lets out a huge scream that said ‘‘I volunteer as tribute’’. I am shocked but in a way understand what she is doing for her sister. she then moves over to the mens raffle, puts her hand in and ever so slowly pulls out the thin piece of paper. ‘’Peeta Mallark’’.